STEM at AstraZeneca

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As a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company, we seek to leverage our reach, 规模和专业知识在澳门葡京赌博游戏的社区和社会中产生真正的变化. 澳门葡京赌博游戏相信,为感兴趣的年轻人提供接触高质量科学的途径, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education supports scientific progress that will provide them equal opportunities to pursue their interests and explore potential careers in STEM fields.

We know that the young people of today will ultimately drive solutions for tomorrow’s challenges and transform the lives of millions of people worldwide. Specifically, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的STEM计划旨在支持澳门葡京赌博游戏的STEM战略的四个关键支柱:

  • 对澳门葡京赌博游戏所服务的当地社区产生影响
  • 支持历史上被边缘化、资源不足和代表性不足的STEM学生
  • 通过鼓励志愿服务和指导机会来吸引员工
  • Serve as a resource for STEM education

通过全球和国家STEM教育倡议, we aim to cultivate an inclusive and equitable environment that will inspire the next generation of scientists, researchers and innovators.

US programming highlights

Empowering students through Learning Undefeated

Since 2018, we have partnered with Learning Undefeated, a non-profit organisation actively driving race and gender equality in STEM through experiential and deep-impact learning experiences for students from under-resourced communities, 提供STEM项目、职业和技能教育,以增强学生和教师的能力. Key programme elements include:

  • Drop Anywhere Labs:为初高中学生提供一个屡获殊荣的、移动的、沉浸式STEM学习体验. 与教师和STEM行业专家共同开发, the labs’ interactive, 基于游戏的挑战鼓励学生解决现实问题, 科学问题,而澳门葡京赌博游戏的志愿者员工为学生提供指导和知识. 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的合作伙伴关系,澳门葡京赌博游戏已经能够达到超过1.全美50个州的500万名学生和2.5万名教师.
  • Emerging Leaders in STEM Programme: As champions of inclusion and diversity, we work to amplify fair representation in everything we do as we know it impacts the success of tomorrow’s students. Through our support of this programme, high school and college women are paired with diverse professionals from STEM careers in Maryland and across the greater Washington, 在进入工作岗位之前,在DC地区获得STEM领域的直接工作经验.
  • Generation Health: A standards-aligned experimental learning resource for students in grades 6-8 and our employees were used as part of this program to take their industry knowledge into the classroom and inspire students to consider STEM careers in healthcare.


支持澳门葡京赌博游戏让所有人都能接触到STEM的目标, 澳门葡京赌博游戏与其他国家和全球STEM教育计划合作,培养未来的科学家, researchers and innovators. Near our Gaithersburg campus, 澳门葡京赌博游戏与当地团体合作,以实现这一目标,并帮助学生超越课堂环境.

Our sponsorship of teams in FIRST LEGO League enables volunteers to mentor and coach middle school students in the fields of robotics and sustainable and renewable energy strategy, 让他们找出潜在的技术解决方案. Similarly, our ACT-SO 志愿者参与以社区为基础的活动来展示学术, scientific, and artistic achievement through competitions. With our support of Junior Achievement Finance Park, students learn the math needed to take control of their financial future using our volunteers’ experience, 专业知识和指导,以便他们在工作时受到启发并做好准备.

帮助学生实现在STEM领域的抱负, 澳门葡京赌博游戏支持其他教育项目,包括赞助 UF Health Cancer Center’s Cancer Research Symposium for High School Students where students learn about varied STEM career paths from cancer researchers. We also partner with the University of Maryland’s CURE Scholars Program, which aims to empower students in Baltimore’s underserved and vulnerable communities to achieve academic and career success through mentoring, 培训和激励他们在研究中获得有意义的未来, STEM or health care professions.


Over the summer, local students can come to our campus for an interactive learning experience incorporating groups of students from Learning Undefeated’s Emerging Leaders in STEM and Montgomery County Public Schools’ Summer RISE programmes. These programmes allow historically marginalised and underrepresented high school and early college students to gain hands-on job experiences in the pharmaceutical industry at our Gaithersburg campus. Features of the programme include job shadowing, one-on-one mentorship in various areas, presentations from our industry experts, networking, 了解STEM领域的职业和互动科学学习活动, such as the MXLab. Through our summer programmes, we are pursuing our ambition to provide enriching career-based learning experiences to foster interest in STEM and support students’ decision-making about life beyond high school.

UK programming highlights

Our STEM Outreach programme in the United Kingdom supports sending volunteers to support grassroots activities in local schools, 包括澳门葡京赌博游戏学校基于STEM学习网络的热情伙伴关系. Notably, in the UK, we developed a range of curriculum-based STEM resources focusing on children ages seven to 14 which are delivered using our innovative STEM Virtual World experience – a digital learning platform that transports students into our labs. 

Since 2018, 当地学生也被邀请通过“图片科学”项目提供原创作品, 学生们被邀请创作一幅描绘科学对他们意义的图画. More recently, we have completed Science In Pictures II, which will be consolidated into a new piece of artwork that will welcome visitors to the Research and Development Centre and Corporate Headquarters on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

Cambridge, UK partnerships

澳门葡京赌博游戏通过与英国STEM组织的合作伙伴关系扩大了编程范围, societies and institutions, 重点是接触代表性不足的人口和社区. Employee volunteers support our long-term partnerships with multiple Cambridge-based organisations near our R&D headquarters. Since 2015, 澳门葡京赌博游戏一直在与剑桥科学中心合作,为60人提供服务,每年有1000名儿童和青少年参与科学发现, 自2013年以来,澳门葡京赌博游戏一直与剑桥大学科学节合作, providing outreach activities, panel sessions and sponsorship, as well as the Big Biology Day. We also support the Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology through an annual Medicine Makers challenge for 14-16 year-olds.

We are also growing the Active Science Programme, 它将体育和科学与英国当地的足球慈善机构合作. Recently, we expanded beyond Cambridge with the Cambridge United Foundation to include Macclesfield and Everton football clubs, 这个项目将体育运动和澳门葡京赌博游戏的科学家联系起来,帮助将科学带入生活. 活动的重点是将科学原理付诸行动, 学生可以在哪里参加活动并向科学家提问. 到目前为止,已有1000多名学生参加了这项活动,未来还会有更多的学生参加. 

Sweden programming highlights

澳门葡京赌博游戏的瑞典STEM项目支持社区倡议,使年轻人对STEM感兴趣. In collaboration with external partners, 澳门葡京赌博游戏支持4 - 9年级的STEM学生参观学校, summer research school, 科学节和个性化指导,鼓励自然科学研究的追求.

As a core tenant of our work in Sweden, 澳门葡京赌博游戏与“Unga Forskare”协会一起组织一年一度的暑期研究学校,” for students aged 14-16. 该节目旨在激发人们对科学的兴趣,培养长期的好奇心, 给学生一个鼓励他们对科学感兴趣的社区, provide perspective on the importance of science in society and form a meeting place for school and professional life and show students other young role models in science within our company.

Boost4Life with mentor Sweden

澳门葡京赌博游戏的青年健康方案合作伙伴一起, Mentor Sweden, we are running a STEM project, Boost4Life, designed to support and inspire grade 9 youth through everyday conversations with adults about future thoughts and opportunities, especially in environments where role models are few and where many young adults lack self-confidence and trust in their future. In the programme, a number of school classes in Södertälje and Gothenburg meet volunteers from our team and staff from Mentor Sweden, and the programme includes visits to our facilities and meetings with other STEM partners working to increase interest in natural science subjects.

The goal is to help strengthen young people's faith in the future by arousing interest and curiosity for various education and career opportunities. The effect of the collaboration is evaluated over time to see the impact on the young people's commitment, motivation and self-esteem. 研究结果可用于进一步发展和扩大试点项目.

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We know that however innovative our science, however effective our medicines and delivery, to achieve all we want to achieve, we cannot do it alone.

Veeva ID: Z4-63047
Date of preparation: March 2024